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Vladislav Bakhmatsky wins 38th Cappelle la Grande Open, Nihal Sarin second

by Shahid Ahmed - 19/02/2022

Nihal Sarin drew his last two games against the eventual champion IM Vladislav Bakhmatsky (UKR) and GM Martin Petrov (BUL). The draws in the first two rounds affected his tie-breaks. It was later recovered a lot by scoring five consecutive victories. Nihal tried too hard in the last round which almost cost him the game, but he somehow managed to split the point. Thus he managed to secure the second position and his opponent, Petrov was placed third according to the tie-breaks. The total prize fund of the tournament was €12000. The next edition is announced to take place between 18th and 25th February 2023. Photo: L'Echiquier Cappellois

Eight players score 7.0/9

Seven players headed into the final round with a score of 6.5/8. The top three boards ended in a draw. Two decisive results on board no.4 and 8 allowed them to catch up with the rest.

Top 3 (L to R) - 3rd GM Martin Petrov, 1st IM Vladislav Bakhmantsky and 2nd Nihal Sarin | Photo: L'Echiquier Cappellois

Round 8: Bakhmatsky - Nihal

Nihal had a short 21-move draw against the eventual champion IM Vladislav Bakhmatsky (UKR) in the penultimate round.

The Sicilian Taimanov-Scheveningen by Alejandro Ramirez
The Sicilian Taimanov-Scheveningen by Alejandro Ramirez
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6 by Roeland Pruijsses, Nico Zwirs
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6 by Roeland Pruijsses, Nico Zwirs
The Sicilian Taimanov by Antonios Pavlidis
The Sicilian Taimanov by Antonios Pavlidis

Round 9: Nihal - Petrov

Nihal pushed too hard for an advantage against GM Martin Petrov (BUL) in the final round.

Position after 13.h5

13.h5 is an ambitious idea. Unfortunately for White it does not work as there is not enough compensation for the sacrificed knight. 13...dxc3 14.Bxc3 Nxb3+ 15.axb3 e5 is how the game continued. The game was drawn in another five moves.

Sicilian Warfare by Ilya Smirin
Sicilian Warfare by Ilya Smirin

The prize winners | Photo: L'Echiquier Cappellois

Closing ceremony | Photo: L'Echiquier Cappellois

A total of 322 players including 13 GMs, 23 IMs, a WGM and 6 WIMs took part in this tournament organized by L'Echiquier Cappellois. The event is taking place at Palais des Arts at Cappelle la Grande, France from 12th to 18th February 2022. The nine-round Swiss league had a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment for the first 40 moves, then 30 minutes + 30sec/move for the rest of the game.

Replay Nihal's games

Round 9 results

ScalePointsblanks Res.Black Points
2ZWIRS Nico2461FX-XFEDORCHUK Sergey A.2605F
3THYBO Jesper Sondergaard2592 FX-XBAKHMATSKY Vladislav2443F
4LOISEAU Quentin2465F0 - 1NIKOLOV Momchil2501F6
66DIMITROV Radoslav2487FX-XMAEREVOET Sim2375F6
76TERNAULT Mathieu2355FX-XSOCHACKI Christophe2485 F6
86SONG Julien2352F1 - 0NGUYEN Piotr2401 F6
9SONIS Francesco2542FX-XGIREL Joseph2394 F
10DARDHA Daniel2541F1 - 0PICEU Tom2336F


Final standings



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