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Nigmatov Ortik clinches 3rd Gujarat GM Open 2022, Neelotpal second and Anuj third

by Shahid Ahmed - 08/04/2022

IM Nigmatov Ortik (UZB) drew his final round game against GM Neelotpal Das. IM Anuj Shrivatri scored his sixth consecutive victory of the event and ended IM Srihari L R's unbeaten streak. Ortik, Neelotpal and Anuj scored 8.5/10 each. Ortik won 3rd Gujarat International GM Open 2022 due to better tie-break score, Neelotpal and Anuj were placed second and third respectively. Top three won ₹251000, ₹201000 and ₹150000 respectively along with a trophy each. The total prize fund of the tournament was ₹15,00,000. WIM Arpita Mukherjee is the best female performer of the event 7.5/10. Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Anuj scores a double hat-trick, Vrashank impresses

14-year-old Vrashank Chouhan scored 7.0/10, gained a massive 213.6 Elo rating points. He is the best under-2000, under-15 and untitled performer of the event. He scored wins against GM Venkatesh M R who secured fourth place eventually and IM P Saravana Krishnan, drew with IM Diego Del Rey (ESP).

Top 3 (L to R): 3rd IM Anuj Shrivatri, 1st IM Ortik Nigmatov and 2nd GM Neelotpal Das | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Champion - IM Nigmatov Ortik 8.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
From losing to 1334 to winning the Gujarat GM 2022 - IM Nigmatov Ortik | Video: ChessBase India

Runner-up - GM Neelotpal Das 8.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
GM Neelotpal Das talks about his preparation that helped him finish 2nd at 3rd Gujarat GM 2022 | Video: ChessBase India

Second Runner-up - IM Anuj Shrivatri 8.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
A double hat-trick in the last six rounds helps 17-year-old Anuj Shrivatri win Rs.1,50,000 at 3rd Gujarat GM 2022 | Video: ChessBase India

Nigmatov - Neelotpal: 0.5-0.5

The last round clash on the top board was between the tournament leaders GM Neelotpal Das (2409) and IM Nigmatov Ortik (UZB, 2445). It was evident from Neelotpal's play that he was playing for a win.

Position after 21.Bxf6

21...Rxf6 would have perhaps given Black more chances to launch an attack on the kingside. 21...gxf6 22.Bf7 Rd8 23.Nf3 Kg7 24.Bc4 Qe8 Black was unable to do what he actually wanted and the game meandered into a draw eventually.

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The Italian Renaissance - 2 : The Main Lines by Martyn Kravtsiv (Hardcover)

Nigmatov edged past Neelotpal on tie-breaks | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Anuj - Srihari: 1-0

Both IM Anuj Shrivatri (2350) and IM Srihari L R (2400) were in fantastic form heading into the final round. Anuj was on a double hat-trick and Srihari was unbeaten till this game. In a perilous position, Black went for an incorrect break 23...f5.

Position after 23...f5

Now that the long diagonal is open and White has a dark-square bishop, 24.Bc1 became the obvious choice. 24...fxe4 25.Qg3 Nh6 26.f5 occupies the square and prevents Black from jumping his knight there. 26...Re5 27.Bb2 now Black cannot save the exchange Nxd5 28.Bxe5 dxe5 29.Rd1 Qf7 30.Rxd5 Qxh5 31.Rxe5. It was important for White to exchange the knights for two reason - White is ahead in material and having a knight which can jump to c3 and become dangerous is something White cannot afford. Rest was just a matter of time and technique, something Anuj converted into a full point without any difficulty.

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IM Anuj Shrivatri scored a double hat-trick and secured third position | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik (UZB) defended a Rook vs Rook and Bishop endgame against GM Stany G A for 50 moves | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

GM Neuris Delgado Ramirez (PAR) - IM Nitin S: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Boris - Mehar: 0-1

IM Mehar Chinna Reddy C H (2422) played the rook and many pawns endgame excellently against GM Boris Savchenko (2535). He capitalized on all of his chances.

Position after 50.Re1

50.Rxa6 Rxh4 51.Kc7 would have led to a draw. However, it seems like White was trying to push for a win, when there wasn't one.

Position after 50.Re1

White's final mistake was 50.Re1. Can you find the winning continuation for Black here?

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Chess Endgames 8 - Practical Rook Endgames
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames

IM Mehar Chinna Reddy beat GM Boris Savchenko to secure sixth position 8.0/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Sammed Jaykumar Shete - GM Harsha Bharathakoti: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

GM Venkatesh M R defeated IM Shahil Dey to secure fourth position 8.0/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Ratnakaran K - GM Laxman R R: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Sidhant Mohapatra - GM Azer Mirzoev (AZE): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

FM Ranindu Dilshan Liyanage (SRI) - IM Vignesh N R: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

FM Aradhya Garg - GM Hesham Abdelrahman (EGY): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Viani Antonio - FM Aaryan Varshney: 0-1 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Rajesh V A V - Sahib Singh: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

GM Mikel Huerga Leache (ESP) - WIM Arpita Mukherjee: 0-1 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM P Konguvel - Soham Bhattacharyya: 0-1 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Jaiveer Mahendru - IM Manish Anto Cristiano F: 1-0 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Photo Gallery

Highest finisher among female participants - 15th WIM Arpita Mukherjee 7.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Second-highest non IM and GM finisher - 21st FM Aaryan Varshney 7.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Best untitled, below 2000 and under-15 - Vrashank Chouhan 7.0/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Best Female Vishwa Shah 6.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Best Female WFM Srishti Pandey 6.5/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Best Gujarat - FM Jeet Jain 7.0/10 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

All prize winners | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

The stalwart GMs of Indian chess and good friends (L to R) - Sandipan Chanda, Neelotpal Das, Venkatesh M R and Laxman R R | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
The accommodation and arrangements for 3rd Gujarat GM 2022 | GSC Bank | Video: ChessBase India

For more Round 10 and Prize distribution ceremony photos, please click at the respective links.


A total of 374 players including 14 GMs, 30 IMs and 3 WIM took part from 14 countries across the world including India. The tournament was organized by Gujarat State Chess Association from 31st March to 7th April 2022 at Karnavati Club, Ahmedabad. The ten-round Swiss league tournament had a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1.

Replay Round 10 games

Round 10 results

114IMNigmatov Ortik2445Uzbekistan8½ - ½8GMNeelotpal Das2409India22
234IMAnuj Shrivatri2350India1 - 0IMSrihari L R2400India26
316IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2435Uzbekistan½ - ½7GMStany G.A.2517India3
41GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris2622Paraguay7½ - ½7IMNitin S.2427India18
52GMSavchenko Boris253570 - 17IMMehar Chinna Reddy C.H.2422India20
624IMSammed Jaykumar Shete2408India7½ - ½7GMHarsha Bharathakoti2499India4
75GMVenkatesh M.R.2493India71 - 07IMShahil DeyU152400India25
840IMRatnakaran K.2316India7½ - ½7GMLaxman R.R.2429India17
97GMChanda Sandipan2485India1 - 07FMJain Kashish Manoj2162India63
108IMRaahul V S2478India1 - 0FMAyush Sharma2302India43
1132IMSidhant Mohapatra2359India½ - ½GMMirzoev Azer2476Azerbaijan9
1236IMSaravana Krishnan P.2340India0 - 1IMKrishna C R G2466India11
1344IMSangma RahulGJ2286India0 - 1IMNeelash Saha2445India13
1437FMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan2340Srilanka½ - ½IMVignesh N R2444India15
1554FMAradhya Garg2236India½ - ½GMHesham Abdelrahman2424Egypt19
16118Satvik Sharma1753India0 - 1IMGusain Himal2408India23
1728IMViani Antonio Dcunha2397India0 - 1FMAaryan Varshney2277India49
1830IMRajesh V A V2376India½ - ½AGMSahib SinghU151792India104
1910GMHuerga Leache Mikel2471Spain60 - 1WIMArpita Mukherjee2260India51
2076IMWeerawardane Romesh2005Srilanka60 - 16IMAudi Ameya2418India21


Final standings

Rk.SNoNameTypsexGrFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
114IMNigmatov OrtikUZB2445Uzbekistan8,563,569,057,50
222GMNeelotpal DasIND2409India8,563,067,555,75
334IMAnuj ShrivatriIND2350India8,556,561,553,00
45GMVenkatesh M.R.IND2493India8,063,066,552,25
516IMAbdisalimov AbdimalikUZB2435Uzbekistan8,062,568,553,75
620IMMehar Chinna Reddy C.H.IND2422India8,056,060,545,25
726IMSrihari L RIND2400India7,564,569,547,50
81GMDelgado Ramirez NeurisPAR2622Paraguay7,562,067,046,00
93GMStany G.A.IND2517India7,561,566,547,50
104GMHarsha BharathakotiIND2499India7,561,066,047,25
1118IMNitin S.IND2427India7,561,065,545,50
1240IMRatnakaran K.IND2316India7,560,564,045,75
1311IMKrishna C R GIND2466India7,559,564,545,25
1417GMLaxman R.R.IND2429India7,559,564,046,00
1523IMGusain HimalIND2408India7,558,063,046,25
1651WIMArpita MukherjeewIND2260India7,558,062,545,25
1713IMNeelash SahaIND2445India7,557,062,044,25
1824IMSammed Jaykumar SheteIND2408India7,555,059,543,75
198IMRaahul V SIND2478India7,553,557,542,25
207GMChanda SandipanIND2485India7,553,557,042,00
2149FMAaryan VarshneyIND2277India7,552,056,040,25
2219GMHesham AbdelrahmanEGY2424Egypt7,064,068,543,75
239GMMirzoev AzerAZE2476Azerbaijan7,062,565,541,75
242GMSavchenko BorisRUS25357,061,566,544,25
25105Vrashank ChouhanU15IND1790India7,061,065,043,75
2635Ritviz ParabIND2349India7,059,064,042,25
2777Bhattacharyya SohamIND2004India7,058,563,041,75
2838FMWagh SuyogIND2328India7,058,562,539,50
2915IMVignesh N RIND2444India7,058,063,042,75
30104AGMSahib SinghU15IND1792India7,057,562,042,25
3125IMShahil DeyU15IND2400India7,057,060,040,50
3232IMSidhant MohapatraIND2359India7,056,561,040,75
3337FMLiyanage Ranindu DilshanSRI2340Srilanka7,056,560,540,75
34115Krishnan RitvikU15IND1761India7,056,560,537,00
3521IMAudi AmeyaIND2418India7,056,060,540,50


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