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Arjun Kalyan wins GM Round Robin Rujna Zora-1 2021

by Shahid Ahmed - 11/04/2021

IM Arjun Kalyan scored an unbeaten 6.5/9 to win GM Round Robin Rujna Zora-1 2021. He already has all three GM-norms, just needs to touch 2500 in the live ratings to become India's next GM. He has already started playing the next event GM Round Robin Rujna Zora-2 2021 as you read this. IM Krishna Teja N missed his GM-norm as he lost his final round game against Shantanu Bhambure. Krishna scored 6.0/9, gained 17 Elo rating points to finish second. Check out some of Arjun and Krishna's games from the event.

Arjun Kalyan inches closer to the GM title

Arjun Kalyan gained 8.8 Elo rating points taking his live rating to 2485.8 and he is now that much closer to become India's next GM. He scored an unbeaten 6.5/9 ti win the tournament. IM Krishna Teja N also delivered a fantastic performance scoring 6.0/9. However a loss in the final round against compatriot Shantanu Bhambure dashed his GM-norm hopes.

Champion Arjun Kalyan 6.5/9

Arjun Kalyan with the winners of other groups

Arjun Kalyan's live rating is now 2485.8

Arjun Kalyan started the tournament with a fine victory over GM Dragan Kosic.

Arjun - Kosic, Round 1

Position after 17...Qa4

White is having a fantastic position. What should white do after 17...Qa4 ? The game went on with 18.Nh4 and white got in a little bit of trouble which Arjun eventually disentangled to score a victory.

Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.1 and 2 by Ivan Sokolov
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.1 and 2 by Ivan Sokolov

Replay Arjun's games

Runner-up IM Krishna Teja N 6.0/9

Krishna was on the brink of a GM-norm

IM Krishna Teja N also had a fantastic tournament. He suffered the only loss in Round 3 against the eventual champion, until he lost the final round game against Shantanu Bhambure. Had Krishna won the last round, he would have score a GM-norm. In Round 4, Krishna showcased a fantastic positional sense and outplayed GM Dragan Kosic.

Krishna - Kosic, Round 4

Position after 15...a5

What is the correct plan for white after 15...a5 ?

Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan  
by  Robert Ris
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan by Robert Ris

Replay all Krishna's games

Apart from Arjun and Krishna, three more Indians took part in this event. Shantanu Bhambure gained 7, Raahul V S increased 25 and Sahil lost 7 Elo rating points.

Replay all Round 1-8 games

Final Standings

Rk.SNo NameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
IMArjun KalyanIND24776,528,000,04108,8
IMKrishna Teja NIND23786,023,500,051017,0
GMMilanovic DaniloSRB24715,521,500,0310-0,5
GMPikula DejanSRB24155,020,750,02102,1
Bhambure ShantanuIND23674,522,000,02207,2
GMKosic DraganMNE24454,516,750,0210-9,3
Raahul V SIND22594,017,500,022025,0
IMRatkovic MilovanSRB24513,513,750,0210-17,7
FMMaksimovic BojanBIH24163,513,500,0210-13,1
Sahil TickooIND22452,09,250,0020-6,8


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