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Goutham Krishna and Shubhi Gupta are the MPL 34th National Under-12 Open and Girls Chess Champions

by Shahid Ahmed - 15/04/2022

Goutham Krishna H (KER) defeated Aakash G (TN) and Shubhi Gupta (UP) won against Sherali Pattnaik (UTT) in the final round to clinch the championship. Arjun Adireddy (TEL) and Ethan Vaz (Goa) scored 9.0/11 each. They secured second and third position according to tie-breaks. In the Girls event, Shreya G Hipparagi (MAH) drew with Saparya Ghosh (WB). Both Shubhi and Shreya scored 9.0/11. However, Shubhi clinched the championship due to better tie-breaks and Shreya was placed second. Saparya edged past Nivedita V C (TN) in tie-breaks to secure third position 8.5/11. Total prize fund of the tournament was ₹800000, ₹400000 for each event. Top three won ₹80000, ₹60000 and ₹48000 cash prize along with a beautiful and huge trophy each. Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Multiple states finish in top ten

7-year-old Charvi A (KAR) is the youngest top 10 finisher combining both Open and Girls event. She secured eighth place, scoring 8.0/11. Players from eight different states in the Open and nine different states in the Girls secured the top ten places.

Winners of MPL 34th National Under-12 Open and Girls Chess Championships 2022 - Goutham Krishna H and Shubhi Gupta | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Champion in Open - Goutham Krishna H (KER) 9.5/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth
Interview with MPL 34th National Under-12 Open champion - Goutham Krishna H (KER) | Video: ChessBase India

Champion in Girls - Shubhi Gupta (UP) 9.0/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth
Interview with MPL 34th National Under-12 Girls champion - Shubhi Gupta (UP) | Video: ChessBase India

Runner-up in Open - Arjun Adireddy (TEL) 9.0/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth
Interview with MPL 34th National Under-12 Open runner-up - Arjun Adireddy (TEL) | Video: ChessBase India

Runner-up in Girls - Shreya G Hipparagi (MAH) 9.0/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Second Runner-up in Open - Ethan Vaz (Goa) 9.0/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth
"2000 Elo and then one of the youngest GMs" - 10-year-old Ethan Vaz from Goa has big dreams! | Video: ChessBase India
Father of a 10-year-old chess prodigy - Edwin Vaz on nurturing Ethan's talent | Video: ChessBase India

Second Runner-up in Girls - Saparya Ghosh (WB) 8.5/11 | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth
Interview with MPL 34th National Under-12 Girls second runner-up - Saparya Ghosh (WB) | Video: ChessBase India

Open: Goutham - Aakash: 1-0

Goutham Krishna H (KER, 1609) capitalized on Aakash G (TN, 1611) making a positional mistake.

Position after 29...Re6

29...Nf5 was the only correct way to hold the position 30.Nxf5 Qxf5 and now Rxc6 does not work due to the threat of Qb1+ after the exchange of rooks. Thus 31.Rc5 is a better continuation instead. The game continued 29...Re6 30.Qd3 preparing for e4 30...Kg8 31.e4 dxe4 32.fxe4. Black is now positionally lost. 32...f5 only worsened things further. 33.exf5 Rf6 34.Nh5 Rf7 35.g4 and White won the game in another seven moves.

Power Play 23: A Repertoire for black with the Queen's Gambit Declined
Power Play 23: A Repertoire for black with the Queen's Gambit Declined
Understanding before Moving : Part 2: Queen's Gambit Structures by Herman Grooten
Understanding before Moving : Part 2: Queen's Gambit Structures by Herman Grooten

Goutham Krishna H scored his eighth win of the event to become a clear champion | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Goutham Krishna H scored an unbeaten 9.5/11, finished a half point ahead of the competition and gained 99.6 Elo rating points

Arjun Adireddy (TEL) defeated Mukesh Muthukumar (TN) to secure second position | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Ethan Vaz (Goa) recovered from two losses by defeating Manas Gaikwad (MAH) to finish third | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Girls: Sherali - Shubhi: 0-1

Shubhi Gupta (UP, 1610) could have won much earlier against Sherali Pattnaik (UTT, 1343).

Position after 14.c4

14.c4 allows Black to gain an exchange 14...Qxd1 15.Bxd1 Bd3. However, Black took a more solid approach 14...Nd4 15.Nxd4 Bxd4 16.Bf3 c6 17.Qb3 Qe7 and she went on to win the game eventually.

The Modern Scotch Opening by Parimarjan Negi
The Modern Scotch Opening by Parimarjan Negi
The Scotch Game by  Svitlana Demchenko
The Scotch Game by Svitlana Demchenko
The Modernized Scotch Game : A Complete Repertoire for White and Black by Milos Pavlovic
The Modernized Scotch Game : A Complete Repertoire for White and Black by Milos Pavlovic

Shubhi Gupta scored her ninth win of the tournament against Sherali Pattnaik to clinch the championship | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Shubhi Gupta took a no-draw approach, scored nine wins and suffered two losses

Shreya G Hipparagi (MAH) drew with Saparya Ghosh (WB), they secured second and third place respectively | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Photo Gallery

Top 3 finishers of Open and Girls event | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

All prize winners | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

Team Karnataka | Photo: Saishyam Srikanth

All participants were presented a memento each as mentioned earlier. For more Round 11 and Prize distribution ceremony photos, please click at the respective links.


A total of 237 players in the Open and 134 players in the Girls tournament took part. It was organized by Mandya Chess Academy, Mandya District Chess Associationn and New Tumkur District Chess Association. Both events were held at Hotel Amaravathi, Mandya, Karnatak from 9th to 14th April 2022. The eleven-round Swiss league tournament had a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1

Replay Open Round 11 games

Replay Girls Round 11 games

Open Round 11 results

19Goutham Krishna H1609KER1 - 08Aakash G1611TN8
21Adireddy Arjun1889TEL81 - 08AIMMuthukumar Mukesh1345TN41
317Vivaan Vijay Saraogi1519MAH8½ - ½8Reyan Md.1522BIH16
44Gaikwad Manas1698MAH0 - 18AIMVaz Ethan1772GOA2
522Haridev S1492TN0 - 1Mrinmoy Rajkhowa1705ASM3
626Nimay Agrawal1470HAR½ - ½Sathvik Adiga1563KAR12
718Raihaan Zahid1517KAR71 - 0Aansh Nandan Nerurkar1564MAH11
827Darshan S1463TN70 - 17Tanmay Rajbongshi1684ASM5
913Sharnarthi Viresh1549MAH71 - 07Vignesh Kannan P1446TN28
1038Ehaan Shaikh1369TEL70 - 17Sadbhav Rautela1543UTT14


Final standings in Open

Rk.SNoNameRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
19Goutham Krishna H1609KER9,577,082,070,754099,6
21Adireddy Arjun1889TEL9,078,583,566,5040-30,8
32AIMVaz Ethan1772GOA9,078,083,565,004022,4
417Vivaan Vijay Saraogi1519MAH8,575,081,060,504069,6
516Reyan Md.1522BIH8,572,578,057,504067,6
63Mrinmoy Rajkhowa1705ASM8,566,070,553,2540-43,2
78Aakash G1611TN8,074,079,053,7540-3,6
819Sherla Prathamesh1510MAH8,073,077,052,254023,2
941AIMMuthukumar Mukesh1345TN8,072,577,052,0040114,8
1014Sadbhav Rautela1543UTT8,071,577,053,0040-0,4
1112Sathvik Adiga1563KAR8,071,577,051,5040-18,4
1226Nimay Agrawal1470HAR8,071,576,053,754020,8
1318Raihaan Zahid1517KAR8,070,075,552,7540-8,0
1423Adharsh K1487TN8,070,075,549,504021,6
155Tanmay Rajbongshi1684ASM8,069,575,052,5040-61,2
1613Sharnarthi Viresh1549MAH8,069,574,553,0040-38,4
17196Madhesh Kumar S0PUD8,065,070,049,75
18145Thakur Aarit1021MAH8,062,064,045,0040178,4
1922Haridev S1492TN7,575,580,550,754062,8
2011Aansh Nandan Nerurkar1564MAH7,571,076,047,50408,0


Girls Round 11 results

13Shreya G Hipparagi1552MAH½ - ½8Saparya Ghosh1390WB7
29Sherali Pattnaik1343UTT80 - 18AFMShubhi Gupta1610UP1
311WCMShriyana S Mallya1277KAR0 - 1ACMNivedita V C1230TN17
45Kalyani Sirin1434KER71 - 0AFMAadya Gupta1202DEL23
54Singh Myra1440DEL7½ - ½7AFMShanjula Senthil1168KAR30
612Charvi A1267KAR71 - 07Vaishnavi S K1164TN32
722Saanvi Agarwal1211UP70 - 17Dheeptha B1236PUD15
852Kirthika B1088TEL71 - 07Nihira Koul1183MAH26
92Arshiya Das1569TRI1 - 0Vidula Anbuselvan1159TN33
106Prishita Gupta1417DEL1 - 0Anandhi P1158KAR34


Final standings in Girls

Rk.SNoNameRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Krtg+/-
11AFMShubhi Gupta1610UP9,075,081,065,5040-16,8
23Shreya G Hipparagi1552MAH9,069,074,059,2540-2,4
37Saparya Ghosh1390WB8,569,074,057,50404,0
417ACMNivedita V C1230TN8,565,568,549,504061,6
59Sherali Pattnaik1343UTT8,075,580,555,504056,0
615Dheeptha B1236PUD8,073,077,551,504046,0
75Kalyani Sirin1434KER8,069,074,051,2540-20,0
812Charvi A1267KAR8,067,572,051,004024,4
952Kirthika B1088TEL8,067,072,049,2540119,2
1011WCMShriyana S Mallya1277KAR7,577,082,052,004076,4
116Prishita Gupta1417DEL7,573,077,048,2540-26,4
1223AFMAadya Gupta1202DEL7,569,074,047,754094,0
134Singh Myra1440DEL7,568,073,047,2540-77,6
142Arshiya Das1569TRI7,567,072,548,5040-109,2
1539Rudra Rajeev1141KAR7,563,066,042,004051,2
1630AFMShanjula Senthil1168KAR7,562,566,540,754060,4
1747Advika Sarupria1108RAJ7,068,572,542,504049,6
18122Saranya Devi Narahari0TEL7,067,573,043,25
1919Kathakali Dey1219WB7,067,571,542,754048,0
2021Gorli Nyna1213AP7,067,570,539,00405,2


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